Thursday, April 21, 2016


Before I start the meat of this post, let me  say that my progesterone test today came back at a 19.4 which is up from a 16 last week. Thank you for the prayers! And, speaking of prayers, I am overwhelmed by the love and faithfulness you are showing us. When I felt the nudge God was giving me to write about our infertility struggles I selfishly thought He was asking me to share as a cathartic thing for me. I was so wrong. 

Infertility is a sorority no one asks to join and often we don't share our stories with our sisters out of fear or shame or whatever. But, I have found amazing support from friends who have been where I am. They have encouraged, prayed, and cried with me. They have inspired me and helped me through some ugly days. Without the sisterhood I would be lost and broken. God asked me to share our story and along the way  I have been covered in so much love and prayer from those who have been where I am as well as those who have such huge hearts full of empathy and care for us. We feel your prayers every day and we are blessed to have you on this journey with us. 

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Readers~It means so much to me that you read what's written here. Writing is such a wonderful outlet for me and I truly love to do it, but it means a great deal to me that there are people out there that read what I write. Your comments, both positive and constructive, are treasured by me. I guess it's just nice to know that someone is listening. So thank you...and I love you :)