Friday, May 12, 2006


think it's the memories that are hardest to deal with...we really had some great moments together...some really, really wonderful times...when he was sweet and darned near perfect...and sometimes I wish I could forget those times...the way he would come up behind me when I was in the kitchen cooking and kiss me and tell me he loved me...or the laughter...or just at his house watching stupid movies...or the jokes...or the times when I really thought he was the one...that he was it for me...the way he loved my family as much as he loved me...I guess I have to learn to forget those for now, or at least focus on the not so good memories so that I remember why we're not supposed to be's getting's hurting less and less...and I have great people around me who love and support me and who are helping me through this not so great time in my life...I have so much to be thankful for...I'm learning so much about myself and about who I am and who I deserve...there's a quote that I heard the other day, and I just love it "You've got to put roots down somewhere...but first, you have to find the right garden." that's so true...I guess even though he seemed to be a really great garden, he wasn't the right one, so now I'll move on and do a little garden hunting ;)

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