Friday, September 1, 2006

Gee thanks, Dad

"The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it." Arnold H. Glasgow

Well, we've already covered the fact that I'm the world's LEAST patient person. I don't like to wait, I never have. Just ask my mom. It was a constant irritant of hers while I was growing up.
Have I improved? Yes. I'm not nearly as impatient as I was five years ago, but still, I'm not winning any awards for my willingness to just "wait and see," either.

I try to find things to occupy my time while I wait, but to be honest, I don't always whittle away my time in the most ideal ways, but I do what I can.

The thing is, I want my baby chicken now. Right now. This whole idea of "good things come to those who wait," is great, except for folks like me who find the thought of waiting almost painful.
Dr. Phil would say that my impatience is caused by the fact that I was raised in the generation of fast food, fast internet and fast men, but really, I think it's just because I'm me.

Maybe it's genetic...from my dad's side. My mother is incredibly patient; she has to be, she teaches 1st grade, God love her, but my dad, while incredibly patient with animals and other people's children, is less than patient with my mother and me.

So maybe that's it, my need for having what I desire immeadiately is genetic. My dad cursed me with my inability to wait. He's the one responsible for my listless nights of tossing and turning, for my need to overanalyze as I wait...gee thanks, dad.

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