Sunday, October 7, 2007

Bad Jobs, Bad Boyfriends and Bad Haircuts...

How do other people survive without friends like mine?

I'm constantly aware of the near-perfect group of friends that I have, but there are times when their greatness is more prevalent than others.

I recently celebrated my 25th birthday and an engagement, and I was so very lucky to be able to celebrate with the people I love most; my fiance' and my beautiful, funny friends.

There was a moment during the evening of good food and drink and conversation when I just sat back and looked at the people that surrounded me. The handsome man beside me who has so bravely decided to love me forever, and the beautiful friends who understand what a circus I am, and love me for it anyway.

These are the friends that I call when I'm happy, when I'm sad or when I just need to laugh so hard I cry.

I am constantly amazed by their generosity, their grace, their humor and their unconditional love.

God has blessed me so wonderfully and so beautifully and I thank Him everyday for giving me people who love me even when I have mascara streaming down my face and smoke coming out of my ears.

My friends keep me sane, they keep me grounded and they keep me laughing through the good times and the bad.

I don 't have to name you all, you know who you are...and you should also know how much I love you, but in case I don't tell you enough...thank you for loving me through bad jobs, bad boyfriends and bad haircuts...I promise I'll make it up to you someday...


Anonymous said...

Wait, when did you ever have a bad haircut?!

TamTam said...

I hope I still count...even though I missed the party!

I love, love you!

Cassie said...

I must say mascara down the face and smoke out of the ears is quite a combination for me to be imagining! I am sorry about your grandma; chris' grandmother passed away last Thanksgiving Day and I know that it is a difficult time. Thanks for the post, congrats on your engagement and you should give me a call sometime so we can catch up... five years later :) Be blessed!

Thank you

Readers~It means so much to me that you read what's written here. Writing is such a wonderful outlet for me and I truly love to do it, but it means a great deal to me that there are people out there that read what I write. Your comments, both positive and constructive, are treasured by me. I guess it's just nice to know that someone is listening. So thank you...and I love you :)